Saturday, March 20, 2010

PROPAGANDA FILM: "A is for Atom"

Apologies for the absence!

A hobby of mine is collecting and viewing old propaganda flicks. I have a pretty good collection and figure I might as well share what I have learned...especially when it suits my agenda (hey, why reinvent the wheel!)

To get the ball rolling, I would like to direct your attention to a very good, short, animated movie called "A is for Atom". "A is for Atom" is an introduction to nuclear physics and technology that was produced by John Sutherland and copyrighted by General Electric in 1952.

"A is for Atom" was part of the nuclear industry's publicity efforts in the years leading up to the United States' "Atoms for Peace" program. It is a clean, well produced movie which comes as no surprise since Mr. Sutherland worked for Walt Disney Studios before starting his own John Sutherland Productions in 1944 (in fact, he was one of the voice actors for the fawn Bambi). "A is for Atom" is still an excellent and entertaining introduction to nuclear physics.

You can download "A Is For Atom" from the Internet Archive or view at your convenience on You Tube:

DISCLOSURE: Author holds long positions in General Electric, Exelon Corporation, USEC, Inc., Lightbridge Corporation and Cameco Corporation.


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